How to Build and Optimise a Sales Funnel for Estate Agency Success
Understanding the Sales Funnel in Your Estate Agency Business
Although this might sound like technical mumbo-jumbo from the get-go, it’s actually not complicated to understand. By grasping the concept of your business’s sales funnel, you can optimise it efficiently and look for effective ways to improve it – even just at a glance.
So, what is a sales funnel? And how does this work in an estate agency business?
Imagine you’re in a room full of 100 strangers. You don’t know anyone here, but you have a stage and a megaphone. Your goal is to find out who in that room is thinking of selling their home in the future.
You could just blast out, “Who wants me to sell their home?” Five people shoot their hands up and wave at you. “Cool, that was easy,” you think. This is how most businesses operate, focusing on the immediate opportunity. It’s great that you’ve identified people who want to sell their home now, but what about the other 95% of people in the room? Surely some of those will think of selling their property in the coming months or years.
Let’s consider a better approach. Start by asking, “Who has zero intention of ever selling their home?” These people are cold leads in your business; they have very low motivation to move. Removing them helps narrow your focus to more likely prospects.
Next, ask, “Who wants to sell their home within the next year?” These are your warm leads. Some may want to sell immediately, while others are planning for the future.
The third question could be, “Who would like me to value their home?” These individuals are at the market appraisal stage. They’re motivated enough to invite you, a stranger, to assess their property.
Finally, ask, “Who wants me to sell their home right now?” Unsurprisingly, the same five people from the first example raise their hands.
This process demonstrates the structure of your sales funnel. Starting with 100 strangers, you narrow it down to those likely to sell soon, those ready for an appraisal, and finally, those ready to sell now.
The Importance of Flow in the Sales Funnel
Now that you understand the structure of your sales funnel, let’s explore its flow—the movement of leads in and out of it. This is where many businesses, including estate agencies, falter.
Imagine someone is holding a gun to your head, and the only way to survive is to secure a property onto the market. Who do you approach first? The five motivated sellers, of course. If they’re unavailable, you’d move to those who wanted an appraisal, followed by warm leads, and finally cold leads.
This illustrates a common sales pattern: businesses exhaust the “low-hanging fruit” before working their way to less promising leads. While this seems logical, it often results in boom-and-bust cycles. One month you’re flush with leads; the next, you’re scrambling to find more. This inconsistency leads to fluctuating income, which no business owner wants.
Instead, you should aim to consistently fill the top of the sales funnel. For example, as soon as you identify five motivated sellers, you should start replenishing your funnel with another 100 potential leads. In this scenario, the room of 100 strangers is continually refilled, ensuring a steady flow of leads.
Practical Application in Estate Agencies
In practice, every time you remove a property from the bottom of your sales funnel—whether through instruction, sale, or completion—you need a system to refill the top with new leads. These leads will move through your funnel, with some becoming motivated sellers. This ongoing process ensures consistent leads, instructions, sales, and ultimately, income for your business.
Optimising Your Sales Funnel
With any sales funnel, there are standard conversion rates from one stage to the next, which vary across industries and businesses. By examining your funnel, you can identify bottlenecks and opportunities for improvement.
For instance, if it currently takes 10 cold leads to secure one property on the market, you might think that’s acceptable. But what if better sales conversations or marketing could improve this ratio to 8:1? With the same number of leads, you’d secure three extra instructions for every 100 leads. Similarly, improving the conversion rate from market appraisal to instruction by just 10% could yield significant financial gains over time.
These small optimisations can have a massive impact on your business. The great news is that it won’t take long to gather enough data to make informed decisions—just a few months. You’ll quickly see what’s working well and where improvements are needed.
Avoiding the Pitfalls of Inconsistency
If your agency experiences fluctuating lead volumes or income, it’s likely a sales funnel issue. Fixing this will not only stabilise your business but also save you countless sleepless nights. A well-optimised, consistently replenished sales funnel is key to achieving sustainable growth and success in your estate agency.